Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Job

I start my Accounting job May 16.

I'm done with classes August 9.

I think that's pretty awesome...haha. I'm VERY excited for the next few months.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I unofficially got offered a job today! :)

They are hiring another accountant at Espec, and then they told my boss to find somebody to fill my spot as soon as possible. So I'm assuming that I'm starting soon, haha.

I couldn't be any more excited! I LOVE this company! And I like the work I've done for accounting there so far!

:) :) :)

Very happy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Last Time Ever.

Today...I registered for classes for the last time.

Well, maybe not ever, because I might get a master's...but definitely not soon lol. So last time for a long time.

It felt REALLY good.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So last night I almost mastered the double turn in my Jazz dance.

So maybe you can become a dancer at 23? lol.

We'll see.

I was excited, so I wanted to post it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Almost Spring Break!

I'm back, twice in a month! haha.

Anyway, just wanted to leave a quick update I guess. Not that anything new is happening in my life.

Side note: I HATE group projects with a PASSION. There is ALWAYS that one jerk who doesn't show up to meetings and never does anything. And then the rest of us need to quickly catch up the night before the presentation is due. Awesome.

Anyway, the good news is, I only have 4 more days of class until spring break, when I will be able to catch up on some things around the house and some homework, and my boss will be on vacation so I can catch up on work too! I am looking forward to next week so much.

There are only 62 days until I graduate! I'm so excited! Hopefully I can find myself a job after that. :) It would be REALLY awesome if Espec would hire me...since they are hiring another accountant by the end of the year...

Let's hope so.

Also, another good thing is we finished our Dance on Sunday, so now we have 4 weeks after SB to clean it before the show! Which is awesome. Hopefully the choreographer for my Wednesday dance shows up this week, so we can make some progress on that one...

I guess that's all I have to say for now!

Hope all is well for everyone else. :)